Deep Tissue Therapy £40ph
A technique that’s used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues.

Trigger Therapy £40ph
Applying sustained pressure to specific trigger points to alleviate pain, release muscle tension, improve range of motion and muscle function

Myofascial Release £40
An alternative medicine therapy used to treat skeletal muscle immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation and stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy £60p 1h20
A gentle manipulation that relieves swelling that occurs when toxins clogs your lymphatic system. Removing excess fluid build up from the tissues and toward lymph vessels and nodes removing toxins from the body.

MSK Assessment and Management £40ph
MSK assessment consists of pairing the patient’s history and physical examination to establish a clinical diagnosis and direct management.

Aromatherapy Massage £45ph
A medicinal massage that uses essential oils to enhance relaxation, mood, and pain relief.

Healing Chakra Balancing £40
A therapeutic modality that combines the power of massage therapy with energy work to restore balance and harmony to the chakras. This holistic approach recognizes that disruptions in our energy centres can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances.

Hot Stone Therapy £50ph
This Ayurvedic treatment Shila Abhyanga is traditionally used to stimulate the circulatory system, soften, relax the muscles, release toxins, relieve pains and muscle spasms, and induce deep relaxation.

Reflexology £40ph
A complementary health therapy that works on the feet, to improve relaxation and wellbeing.

Indian Head Massage £40ph
An ancient form of massage therapy and healing technique that helps to reduce tension, stimulate circulation and enhance mental clarity.